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About Us

Biblical Foundation For Hope Groups


When the Lord Jesus founded His church He modeled small groups; though He taught thousands at one time, He spent much of His time with small groups.  With His twelve disciples Jesus accomplished His most important and lasting ministry; His very closest friends were part of this small group.  The gospels also contain many accounts of Him ministering to small groups in homes. (Matthew 8:14, 13:36; Luke 10:5-7, 38-42)


Throughout Scripture, we sense God’s desire for us to be united with Him in a personal relationship and to each other as “family” or “body.” 

It’s Jesus and WE, not Jesus and ME.


How do Hope Groups align with the mission of Hope NYC Church?


The mission of Hope Groups is to help others know Christ and become more like Him, and to equip everyone to use their God- given gifts and abilities to meet the needs of others within the church and throughout the world.


The vision of Hope NYC Hope Groups is to encourage every member to become a regular participant in a group.

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